Child Support & Divorces

Child Support

What You Need to Know About Child Support in Indiana

The courts have compelled you to pay child support. However, you choose to ignore the order because you cannot afford it.

Refusing to pay parental assistance can lead to dire consequences, such as liens or jail time. Instead, consult an attorney to advocate your position.

Legal representation allows you to work with the courts in getting the desired outcome. Additionally, parents who need child support should have the necessary financial aid that will help them raise children.

This article will explain Indiana child support payments. Let’s explore

Child Assistance Breakdown

Child support is a sustained payment over time to a parent or guardian to support children. Child assistance usually occurs after a divorce or breakup, where one spouse provides financial support to another spouse.

The payments allow parents to maintain essential living expenses for the sake of the children. Further, a parent must also pay medical, dental, or educational costs if the courts deem it necessary.

The spouse who typically pays child support is the non-custodial parent. A non-custodial parent doesn’t have physical custody of the children. The custodial parent retains custody of the child and normally receives spousal assistance.

Indiana State Law

Indiana child support laws determine payments through the gross weekly income of the non-custodial spouse. Gross income can derive from the following income sources:

  • Social Security
  • Employment Income
  • Rental Income
  • Self-employment income
  • Commissions
  • Miscellaneous sources of routine income

The court will factor the incomes of both parents when determining the appropriate amount. Indiana guidelines for child support allow paying parents to petition to modify child support if the payments are too high.

Likewise, the receiving parent can petition the courts if he or she thinks the allotted amount is too low.

Indiana child support laws compel a parent to pay dues until the child turns 19. Also, the parent can stop paying if the child enters the military or gets married.

Moreover, spouses no longer have to pay if the child is no longer under the care of the custodial parent (i.e., death or foster care). You must still pay child support if you declare bankruptcy.

The Importance of an Attorney by Your Side

Contact an Indiana Child Support Attorney if you cannot afford the current amount of support owed, or if you need additional support. The courts are diligent in levying a fair sum for all parties. However, there are times when the amount constitutes an undue burden to one party.

An experienced child support attorney has the necessary resources and expertise to champion your case and increase your chance of getting a just verdict.

Without an attorney, you must spend extensive time filing paperwork and studying the law on your own. The Law Office of Mark Nicholson can take away the stress and help you focus on supporting your family.

The Child Support System Under Indiana Law

Hire a child support attorney who knows Indiana law. Despite the legal complexities, Indiana provides an official calculator that allows parents to assess how much child support they will owe or receive.

Whether you’re a custodial or non-custodial parent, we can streamline the process and help you know your rights as a parent.

Are you interested in learning more about your family law rights? Click here to learn how a family law attorney can help you or call 317-667-0718.

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