News: The Fayette County District Attorney Richard Bower announced on Friday the arrest of a Laurel Highlands School District teacher, Ashley Thurby Kolesar. After an extensive State Police investigation into her inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old student, she was charged. The investigation lasted over several months, and it was uncovered that they had exchanged more than 6,500 text messages. Ashley is alleged to have violated wiretapping laws by secretly recording another conversation without their knowledge.
Police revealed that Kolesar covertly taped a dialogue with another student, aged 15. It was about boosting his grades. She did it without either permission or awareness of the student- and then transmitted the recording to their 17-year classmate.
District Attorney Bower said, “It’s confidential. You don’t go out and make fun of it, you don’t go out and distribute it and do not record it. That young man trusted her.”
“A Pennsylvanian wiretap law makes it illegal to record a private conversation without all parties in the conversation further its illegal to distribute audio to another person,” said Bower.
In Indiana, wiretapping -- or the recording of any telephonic or electronic communication without at least one party’s consent -- is strictly prohibited. Additionally, any images intercepted in violation of the state's video voyeurism law must remain confidential and may not be revealed to the public under any circumstances. With this legislation, Indiana is making it clear that individuals' right to privacy is essential and should be guarded against illegal wiretapping or surveillance activities.
Each state has their own call recording laws and some states require obtaining consent from both parties before it is legal to record. There is also a federal wiretap act.
In Indiana, it is legal for an individual to record conversations as long as one of the parties involved consents. This is known as one-party consent and Indiana is one of only several states that allow this type of recording. Though Indiana does not require all parties to be aware of or consent to the recording, there are certain restrictions in place. For instance, Indiana does not allow for the recording of attorney-client conversations or other privileged communications without all parties' consent.
Additionally, Indiana has criminalized spying on private activities with a device such as a camera or microphone; this includes in areas where individuals may have a reasonable expectation of privacy. It is important to note that Indiana's one-party consent law does not affect the use of any evidence obtained through illegal recording methods.
Contact an attorney that is knowledgeable about Indiana wire-tapping and recording laws. Indiana state laws should be consulted for more information on wire-tapping and one-party consent in Indiana.
In conclusion, Indiana is a one-party consent state for wiretapping. However, there are certain restrictions in place to protect individuals from privacy violations. Contact the
Law Office of Mark Nicholson for more detailed information. Call 317-667-0718.
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